LegoStarWars Imperial



LSW Imperial Web Site
This web page is dedicated to the LEGO® models that recreate the Star Wars universe, focused mainly on the Galactic Empire: its ships, vehicles and main characters. Please don't hesitate to contact me at:


Gallery: New pictures.
LSW Imperial met 501 Legion Spanish Garrison in CIFICOM expo, so some pictures were added to the gallery section.
- October 12th , 2011 -


Events: I. CIFICOM (Madrid - October 2011).
Pictures of LSW Imperial stand in I. CIFICOM 2011 expo added to the Events section.
- October 11th, 2011 -


Structures: Navy Trooper maxifig pictures uploaded.
The Structures section has been updeted with some pictures of the Navy Trooper maxifig sculpture.
- September 30th, 2011 -


Events: Web updated with last 12 months events.
Pictures of Hispabrick 2010 Fair and Mungia 2011 expo added to the Events section.
- September 1st, 2011 -


News: Web updated with last 12 months events and nex maxifigs and minifigs.
It was a long time since the last update, but here it is. Pictures of last 12 month events added, and some of the new Imperial Officer Maxifig and new minifigs.
- August 25th, 2010 -


Events: X. Xuventude Galiza .Net (April 2009).
Events section updated with pics of LSW Imperial MOCs in X. XGN 2009, that was held in Santiago de Compostela.
- April 13th, 2009 -


Events: II. Hispabrick (December 2008).
Events section updated with pics of LSW Imperial models in II Hispabrick, that was held in Castelldefels (Barcelona).
- March 11th, 2009 -


Events: VI. Collecting Fair of Mungia (April 2008).
New pictures of the LSW Imperial stand at this exhibition have been added.
- Abril 17th, 2008 -


Minifigs: updated.
The Minifigs section has been updated with new pictures.
- April 16th, 2008 -


Structures: Darth Vader maxifig pictures uploaded.
The Structures section has been updeted with some pictures of the Darth Vader maxifig sculpture.
- March 16th, 2008 -


Events: I. Hispabrick (December 2007).
Events section updated with pics of LSW Imperial models in I Hispabrick.
- January 15th, 2008 -


Events: V. Collecting Fair of Mungia (March 2007).
A Few pictures of the LSW Imperial stand at this exhibition have been added.
- August 14th, 2007 -


Ships: ISD and TIE Advanced pictures uploaded.
The Ships section has been updated with ISD and TIE Advanced starcrafts.
- December 6th, 2006 -


Gallery: new pictures.
The Gallery section has been updated with some new pictures.
- December 2nd, 2006 -


Gallery: new section.
The Gallery section has been opened with some new pictures.
- September 10th, 2006 -


Ships: Lambda class shuttle pictures uploaded.
The Ships section has been updated with the Imperial Lambda class shuttle.
- July 31st, 2006 -


Structures: Stormtrooper Maxifig pictures uploaded.
The Structures section has been opened with some pictures of the Stormtrooper maxifig sculpture.
- April 20th, 2006 -


Events: IV. Collecting Fair of Mungia (March 2006).
A Few photos of the LSW Imperial stand at this exhibition have been added.
- March 31st, 2006 -


Vehicles: some pictures of the Empire vehicles uploaded.
The Vehicles section has been opened with some pictures of the AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport).
- March 1st, 2006 -


Opening of the LSW Imperial web page.
LSW Imperial web site is opened, we have the first galleries of ships of the Empire, with the TIE Bomber, TIE Fighter and my favorite, the TIE Interceptor. This site will be updated as new MOCs become available.


- January 25th, 2006 -


This site is neither owned nor operated by the LEGOE® Group.
Star Wars and LEGO are trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. and the LEGO Group respectively.

© Romantic-Tecleator